We Can Work Together 1×1 or in My Group Training Programs

Are you ready to make hell pay for the disruption it’s sent your way?
Make Hell Pay is my signature program where I walk my clients through the darkest days following a loss, domestic violence, or other traumatic experience and into survivorship and resilience. Read about how I’ve overcome personal grief in my recent VOGUE.com feature.

I’m calling a timeout to H.U.D.D.L.E.
and review my playbook
Have you been sidelined by losses? Are you struggling to regain your motivation? Are still nursing old wounds? Do you find yourself holding back from new opportunities to grow and connect with others? Are you uncertain about your ability to recover? Trust me, there are reasons to get back into the game!!! Ready?

Minimize disruption and overwhelm in your
business when “life” and loss happens.
In this 4-week class, you will learn what happens and what to do when losses and adversity collide with your work and productivity to keep your business running and profitable.